Sacred Sexuality – Foundations

The Five Elements to Sacred Sexuality

Online Virtual Workshop

Open to all genders and all sexual preferences

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What is sacred sexuality and how can you awaken this great capacity within yourself?

This Short Video Explains Everything!

(Press play to watch now)

The Five Elements that Awaken You to Sacred Sexuality 

We have barely begun to tap into the potency, magic and power held in our sexual energy... 

Sexual energy does not just pertain to our capacity to penetrate, to be present, to receive or to be filled with pleasure. It's also not just our level of comfort with our body, our sexual skills or our capacity to be intimate with another.

Our sexual energy flows into how powerful we are, how "on purpose" we're living our lives, how we manifest or create in the world, how our bodies are shaped, how grounded we are, how healthy our boundaries are, how deeply we can access our own truth.

In this workshop, we are pushing the limits society, stereotypes and our very selves have put on our sexual energy, and our potential in general.

In this vortex of diverse energies, held in the profoundly safe container of sacred Circle, you will be asked to step beyond your comfort zone to reclaim your full sexual expression—from ecstatic to deliberate, from piercing to expansive, from angelic to erotic. And then to bring that energy beyond the bedroom, revealing every moment of life to be as enticing and gratifying as your most impassioned encounter.

This work is particularly potent in a Circle of all genders. There is a profound, mystical, life-changing gifting that happens between men and women when we are able to share our hearts' fears and longings with the other gender. I've seen it happen again and again in these spaces. A circle of all genders that truly opens to each others' vulnerability brings about a type of evolution and healing very different to any single-gender circle. At first it can be harder to open, I won't deny that, but when you do, it will be incredibly transformative for you and all those around you.

Imagine the profound effect that this exploration could have on your life...

There is literally NO area of your life that this journey won't transform, align, electrify.

If this journey calls to you, I invite you to apply early. This retreat will fill quickly.

With so much love,
💛 Sabrina Lynn

What People Are Saying About
Workshops with Sabrina

“I don't think I expected how deep value [Sabrina’s work] would bring and how much change can happen in a small amount of time… [Sabrina] made me believe true healing is possible." ~ Michalina

Many times I have been promised by other coaches, gurus and teachers that their course or programme would promise me a life change, but none of them delivered. [Sabrina's programme] not only completely blew my mind, it actually changed my life." ~ Joy

"Through [Sabrina's] workshops, I have been to places and accessed emotions and energies that I have not touched in any other way." ~ Mark

What's Possible In This Workshop:

  • Understand and embody both polarities of sexual energy (masculine/Shiva and feminine/Shakti) so you can dance and weave through both in a way that amplifies passion and pleasure.
  • Break through old relational conditioning, habitual sexual patterning and cultural stereotypes that limit your ability to dance in polarity, to give pleasure or to open to pleasure.
  • Rewire yourself psychologically, emotionally and energetically to make way for a more authentic, empowered, dynamic expression of your sexual energy and your fullness.
  • Learn to create conscious connection with any energy around you, improving relating, communication and playful compassion with anyone you come into contact with.
  • Deepen your capacity to both share your own vulnerability and hold another's without judgement.
  • Learn to artfully transform a moment of closure, resistance or disagreement into deeper connection and create boundaries in a way that inspires and serves both you and those around you.
  • Experience sacred union within, enriching and deepening your relationships, the way you relate to life and how deeply you connect to your purpose and your love.
  • Access the fountain of youth energy that innately resides within your body. This inner aliveness and vitality fuels your work, your health, your vibrancy, your relationships and your life.
  • Embrace your taboo desires and dark sexual energy in love-filled, aligned ways. Discover and unlock the energy, passion and life force that resides in this rich, underground territory of self.
  • Cultivate the safety, discernment and tools within self to continually work through any shame, fear, wounds and limitations that may arise around your sexuality.

IN Your Masculine Aspect

  • Learn how to create a profoundly safe and sacred space for pleasure to flow with complete trust, in yourself or in another.
  • Rewire your nervous system to be able to hold and channel unlimited amounts of sexual and emotional energy.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of and respect for the mysterious, life-filled, pleasure-filled energy that is feminine energy.
  • Cultivate the internal depth, stability and strength required to be purposeful and patient, non-attached and discerning—expanding your capacity to follow your purpose, to dance with your partner, to find peace in chaos at any moment.
  • Practice dancing with the tantalizing, ever-changing, effervescent force that is Shakit, or feminine energy.
  • Embody conscious penetration as a form of honoring, worshipping and evoking love, beauty and truth in the world around you.
  • Evolve your understanding of the money/power/sex dynamics, and how to flow with them to artfully to serve the moment.
  • Master the embodiment of the Dark Masculine, and his gift of evoking and fulfilling others' wildest, most erotic desires in complete safety.

In your Feminine aspect

  • Feel deeply, express fully and embody without restriction the fullness of your sexual energy, light and dark, gentle and wild, in ecstatic intimate communion, with or without a lover.
  • Experience your feminine sexuality as a gift, a power, a magnetic force that evokes love, grace, light, your deepest heart's desires and simultaneously serves the world.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of and trust for the permeating, conscious, directive energy that is masculine energy.
  • Create a sacred relationship with your own pleasure, desire and passion. Awaken to gifts and wisdom that reside within your sexual energy and access them throughout your life, not only during intimacy.
  • Heal your connection with your body, learning to hear its signals, honor its desires, trust its intuition and truly feel the depth of its sacredness.
  • Heal wounds and work through blocks that make it hard for you to express yourself fully, surrender into pleasure fully, embrace your sexual energy as the power that it is.
  • Embrace all aspects of your life force, your sexual energy, as forms of love to be revered and honored, even intense or taboo emotions such as grief, rage and erotic desire.

We all have both masculine and feminine energies within us, and in this retreat we will all be working to embody and express both. So no matter the body you are in, your sexual preferences or your gender identity, this work is for you.

Reunion Elements 3


During this retreat, we'll step into altered states of consciousness, similar in power to psychedelic realms, but accessible to anyone at anytime without an external substance.

In these states, you sink below the logical, rational-thinking mind and into deeper realms of Self, where you have the ability to see through self-imposed limits, work through trauma in moments rather than years, and experience unbelievable awakenings—all of which translates into actual, lasting transformation in your daily reality.

We'll do this with a unique blend of sacred technologies from the feminine and masculine wisdom traditions. These practices are built on ancient practices but are engineered for our modern day psyches, which we all know have been shaped very differently by modern technology and culture.

Specifically, I'll guide your through extremely powerful and esoteric archetypal embodiment practices used to invoke and commune with your personal archetypes (or parts of Self). We'll also work with powerful shamanic and tantric practices that allow you to alchemize shadows and wounds in a whole new way, freeing up massive amounts of your own energy and potential that you didn't even know was blocked or draining you.

Finally, you'll receive energetic transmissions that show your system how to be fully embodied, fully present, fully alive, whether your mind understands it or not. This is where the real magic happens, how "miraculous" awakenings and healings occur, which you will find in few other places on the planet...

If it sounds fluffy... it’s not! These practices will shift, heal, open and transform every aspect of your inner and outer world. Many of the people I have worked with say that is the deepest, most transformative healing and awakening work they have been able to find anywhere. No previous experience is necessary—all are welcome to apply.

It was amazing to feel, see and be shown things I had buried and also given visions, which to me was symbolic of my progression in life. ~ Sean
[Retreat] takes you to the deepest, rawest and unknown parts of self. You will shed parts of you that no longer serve you and completely recreate how you view your world. ~ Jo
Sabrina's work is pulverizing... I can't hide, I can't lie and I can't run away. Her energy captures you. It's life-changing. ~ Steve


Thursday, September 23th

  • Arrive from 12pm: Settle in and explore the area - it’s gorgeous!
  • 1pm: Opening Circle
  • Workshop 1
  • Workshop 2
  • 5pm: Wisdom Circle
  • 6pm: Finish for the day

Friday, September 24th

  • 9am: Movement practice
  • Workshop 3
  • Wisdom Circle
  • 12pm: Lunch
  • Workshop 4
  • Integration practice
  • 5pm: Wisdom Circle
  • 6pm: Finish for the day

Saturday, September 25th

  • 9am: Practice outdoors (weather dependent)
  • Workshop 5
  • 12pm: Lunch
  • Workshop 6
  • Workshop 7
  • 5pm: Wisdom Circle
  • 6pm: Dinner (included)
  • Optional fire circle
  • 10pm: Finish for the day

Sunday, September 26th

  • 9am: Final Workshop
  • Wisdom Circle
  • Closing ceremony
  • 1pm: Begin journey home

** This is an approximate schedule as we flow with what is arising for the group and what most serves the moment.

Take Your Place in Retreat

Reunion Elements 3

$3,700 USD per person

A $1,000 deposit holds your place; the remaining balance is due upon application approval and acceptance into the program. You will receive notice of approval within 7 days of applying. Applicants not accepted will, of course, be refunded their full $1,000.

Couple's Discount
If you’re a couple living together or sharing resources and you’d both like to attend this workshop, email us at and let us know. We'll get you a discount code that'll save you each $25 on your purchase. (that's $50 total).



  • Four online video workshop of deeply experiential practices not found anywhere else.
  • High quality audio versions of the workshop.
  • Member's area
  • Access to our private workshop facebook group for connection and support during your journey. We'll have the private group open for 1 month after the workshop is released.
  • Follow-up supports and practices to maintain the momentum of your journey.


As a workshop attendee you'll also receive:
  1. Access to our private workshop facebook group for connection and support during your journey. We'll have the private group open for 1 month after the workshop is released.
  2. Follow-up supports and practices to maintain the momentum of your journey.
Reunion Elements 3

The Gift Of A Lifetime

The closest equivalent to this program, our three-month online Mystery School, is $1900 USD. This program will go as high, as deep and be as radically transformative as our Mystery School journeys have been but... we're lowering the price by $700. We've also included a payment plan option to further increase the accessibility of this journey.

Don't miss this opportunity – Deadline to join is 9 September 2021.


Founder of ReWilding for Women and ReWilding for Men, Sabrina Lynn is known internationally for her groundbreaking, direct-line approach to personal evolution.

Sabrina has designed and developed unique practices that take people far beyond the limitations of the mind, into the deeper realms where true and lasting transformation lies. 

She continues to create workshops and retreats, in-person and virtual, revolutionizing the way we explore shadow work, sacred intimacy and whole-self embodiment.

Sabrina has 14 years of experience studying, practicing, and teaching archetypal psychology, neuroscience, corporate leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, tantra, somatic experiencing, physiology and mind-body connection.

Her audiences connect with her direct, down-to-earth approach and often experience remarkable healings and life shifts.


"Something in me has opened. I am changed forever.

There is no going back. I finally feel like I’m starting to be alive and I have this burning desire to experience more.”
~ Maya

"I have reclaimed so much of my sensuality and self-expression

I’m so grateful to have unlocked the deepest recesses of my feminine power."
~ Louise

"It is the best investment I have ever made

in myself, the best gift and the greatest tool to use going forward in relation to furthering this… utterly necessary soul work."
~ Georgia

"[Retreat] Takes you to the deepest, rawest and unknown parts of self.

"You will shed parts of you that no longer serve you and completely recreate how you view your world."
~ Jo