Unleash Your Wild Nature & True Potential!
EARLY BIRD Special SAVE $300 On Now!

Priest/ess Training
27 FEB - 3 MAR, 2025
The Path of the Priest/ess
5-Day Advanced In-Person Training
27 February - 3 March 2025
California, USA
This is a rare opportunity to elevate your spiritual gifts and impact in the world, while immersed in the sacred energy of the Dragon Ley Line.
Join Sabrina for a transformative 5-day advanced, in-person retreat that merges the mysteries and wisdom of priest/ess training with the dynamic energies of archetypes.
Over five immersive days, you'll explore your sacred callings, unlock spiritual gifts unique to you, and embody divine energies in a deeply personal way that allows you to channel more grace, love and power into the world.
This event is sold out. If you've missed out on working LIVE with Sabrina in California, you can still join her in London and Sydney this year. Details below ↓

ReWild Your Life
28 - 29 JUNE, 2025
ReWild Your Life
28-29 JUNE 2025
Join Sabrina in the vibrant city of London-this great world city where the old meets the new. With its energetics of creative diversity, this buzzing melting pot calls forth inner evolution... a perfect place to ReWild your life and find your true colors.
In this creatively charged ambience, it's time to create your life and step onto your highest path forward!
This LIVE in-person two-day workshop event is specifically designed for personal empowerment and transformation. Reclaim your wild and true nature to awaken your power, sensuality and self-expression.
This weekend immersion will reveal and support your creative potential and your capacity to manifest the life and love that you long for. You ready?!

ReWild Your Life
6 - 7 SEPT, 2025
ReWild Your Life
6-7 SEPT 2025
Join Sabrina in the stunning city of Sydney-the birthplace of ReWilding and the perfect place to discover the call of the wild, the call of your true self, and the call of destiny!
Renew, transform and ReWild Your Life in the sacred cauldron of the Soul of ReWilding as Sabrina journeys back to Australia for the first time in many years!
This LIVE in-person two-day workshop event is specifically designed for personal empowerment and transformation. Reclaim your wild and true nature to awaken your power, sensuality and self-expression.
This weekend immersion will reveal and support your creative potential and your capacity to manifest the life and love that you long for. You ready?!
Hear from event participants
"This was truly one of the most profound events I have been involved in."
~ Tania
"This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of ReWilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend. Sabrina, I see such a purity in you. You live the path that you inspire others towards. This is something you rarely see in teachers and I am deeply grateful to what you bring to the world."
~ Kylee
"This truly is big, life-changing work. I have experienced some crazy-ass wild stuff and can't wait to see what lessons are coming next."
~ Laura
"It's like going on the most surprising and fulfilling adventure. Going to internal places that you imagined existed but you just didn't know how to get there. They somehow all come together over the course of days to expose parts of self that my mind usually overrides."
~ Raelene
"What I got from those 2 days was so much more than that, so much more than I can even put into words. I have changed, my life has changed, the world around me has changed. The shifts have rippled out to my kids, my work, my family…it's been amazing! Since workshop I've continued doing the work and I still don't understand it all but I do know that in the most chaotic time in my life I have a calm and peace that I've never had, nor ever knew was possible."
~ Trina

Meet Your Guide:
Sabrina Lynn
A gifted facilitator of revolutionary inner work and the world's leading archetypal embodiment expert, Sabrina Lynn is the creator of the groundbreaking ReWilding Way and founder of ReWilding For Women.
For 15 years, her transformational practices and life-changing programs have taken people beyond the conscious mind, into the deep realms of the body and psyche, where true, lasting change, personal growth and authentic empowerment lies. Now she can be your guide too!
Today, Sabrina has a global following of over 500,000 firestarters, changemakers, spiritual seekers, and wild men and women! Her YouTube channel has had over 3 million video views and her podcasts have been downloaded over 2.5 million times.
Sabrina has led more than 100,000 people through programs based on the ReWilding Way, a modality of healing and awakening that strips away the false, the deep wounds from early life, and the fears that hold people back, to reveal their true and unique soul light and help them build the innate capacity to shine it in the world.
Sabrina is bringing all of her research, knowledge and experience to her 2025 in-person events, where you'll be guided into the most profoundly transformative embodiment work that can be found anywhere. This world tour includes 2-Day Weekend Immersions and 5-Day In-Person Retreats in some of the world's most stunning cities and sacred sites.
Her other work includes the monthly ReWilding Membership, Living Close to the Bone, Priest/ess Trainings, Mystery Schools, the ReWilding Archetypes (a work-in-progress that includes 36 Archetype Journeys, plus a forthcoming book and oracle card deck), and the wildly popular 6 Faces of the Feminine workshop series.
Unable To Make An In-Person Event?
Join Sabrina Online in...
ReWilding Membership
Transform Your Life, One Circle at a Time
The most profoundly, transformative embodiment work that can be found online!
Experience the magic and wisdom of Sabrina Lynn through LIVE workshops and practices that challenge, support, and awaken your soul.
Expand your capacity to live fully soul-aligned with who you truly are, through deep-diving, soul-reviving workshops, practices and experiential journeys.
Be "held to the fire" of your truth by the energetics of this sacred and powerful container.