Our Work In The World
8 Things to Know About ReWilding For Women
- Our work in the world is to help women open, awaken and step into their all-ness... every beautiful, wild, hidden part of themselves! We do this because we’re called to. This is an expression of our soul work in the world. It’s part of how we uniquely express our all-ness, fullness, gifts, passions, love and service. We’re honored and humbled every day to create and serve in this way.
- We’re here to create a ripple effect of change around the globe. We aim to share ReWilding far and wide. We award scholarships to those in need and work hard to create life-changing free content to share around the world. We also donate a portion of revenue to inspiring charities doing big work in the world.
- Yes, ReWilding For Women is a business. We mix spirituality with feeding our families. We also mix spirituality with sex and other “lower chakra, human things”. To us, that’s part of the feminine path - bringing the divine into life itself - even things like sex and money that tend to get a bad rap. We believe these things can be expressed in a full-bodied, divinely-aligned, heart-centered way and we work our butts off to do just that.
- We honor the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine equally. Yes, we’re all about the Goddess rising and the awakening of the Divine Feminine, but not to the detriment or dishonoring of the Divine Masculine. We hold both in absolute equality.
- We honor and respect all paths, all spiritual traditions and all belief systems. We are not connected to one particular path or belief system. Women from every path, every background and every tradition are welcome at ReWilding.
- We have a kind people policy, which means we don’t tolerate ageism, racism, sexism, or mean-spirited, dishonest or harsh behavior. All individuals who primarily identify as a woman are welcome to join our community, our in-person events and our programs.
- We are not for everyone. What we create and offer is extraordinarily transformative and deep-diving. It’s a rapid, no-stone-left-unturned, awakening path that requires a high level of honesty with, and responsibility to, one’s self.
- We love our subscribers/members/sisters!! It’s you who allow this magic to happen. It’s you who allow us to be out in the world sharing so much. It’s you who help us bring in the light and the love. It’s you who help us create meaningful change in this world. And we’re incredibly dedicated to serving you in the highest way possible.