What if you could start creating relationships (and a life) you love today?
We're facing challenges in relationship that we've NEVER seen before! We're more self-reliant than we've ever been, we're more online and less in-person than we've ever been, and we've done more personal development than any other time in history!
All of this has brought us to a level of sovereignty that no other generation has experienced. Relationship tools that worked for our parents no longer apply. Relationship teachings that were amazing just a decade ago don't even come close to meeting the needs of who we've become today!
This has left many of us confused, unsatisfied and possibly feeling like we're either doomed to fail at relationships forever or we'll have to compromise ourselves to fit into them.
And I'm excited to share it with you!
ReWilding Your Relationships is a step-by-step journey that will take you straight into your next level of relationship… of love, of connection, of intimacy, and of potential.
This program will have you:
- Moving out of codependent relationships and into healthy, empowered, interdependent expressions in all your relationships
- Healing from toxic relationship patterns so that you know you can enter a relationship again and not compromise or dim your light
- Creating new forms of relationship (both traditional and non-traditional) in order to finally step into something truer for you
- Creating healthy boundaries so you don't lose yourself in relationship or take on too much
- Meeting your true needs for self-care and self-expression, while also simultaneously meeting your true needs for connection and community
You CAN have it all! And it's not as hard as you might think! It just takes a bit of rewiring in a deep-diving, inner alchemical sort of way. Check out the video to learn more about this!
It's time to do some really great things with our relationships (and our lives)!
With so much love and excitement for where this program will take you,

Transformation The ReWilding Way
Deep inner alchemical transformation that leads to significant (and lasting!) outer change
Many of the people Sabrina has worked with say that her ReWilding method is the deepest, most transformative healing, awakening and embodiment work they have been able to find anywhere.
Structured as an eight-step momentum building process, you'll step into Sabrina's cutting-edge ReWilding modalities to tap into your life force, to access, heal, rewire and embody your inner capacity, to then ripple out into your outer world.
You'll dive into powerful esoteric, shamanic and tantric embodiment practices that go far beyond the limitations of the mind and into the deeper, truer, more potent and powerful realms of Self to affect deep and lasting change.
You'll awaken higher states of consciousness and dormant capacities within by stepping into altered states of consciousness, similar in power to psychedelic realms, but accessible to anyone at anytime without the need for any external substances.
In these states, you'll go beyond the logical, rational-thinking mind and into deeper realms of Self, where you have the ability to see through self-imposed limits, work through trauma in moments rather than years, and experience unbelievable awakenings—all of which translate into actual, lasting transformation in your daily reality.
This will be done with a unique blend of sacred technologies, built on ancient practices, but engineered for our modern-day psyches (which we all know have been shaped very differently by our current technology and culture).
Specifically, you'll be guided through extremely powerful and esoteric archetypal embodiment practices used to invoke and commune with your personal archetypes (or parts of Self). You'll also work with powerful shamanic and tantric practices that allow you to alchemize shadow aspects and wounds in a whole new way, freeing up massive amounts of your own energy and potential that you didn't even know was blocked or draining you.
Finally, you'll receive energetic transmissions that show your system how to be fully embodied, fully present, fully alive, whether your mind understands it or not. This is where the real magic happens, how "miraculous" awakenings and healings occur, which you will find in few other places on the planet.
If it sounds fluffy... it’s not! These methods will shift, heal, open and transform every aspect of your inner and outer world.
Through [Sabrina's] workshops, I have been to places and accessed emotions and energies that I have not touched in any other way."
~ Mark
It's the best investment I have ever made in myself, the best gift and the greatest tool to use going forward in relation to furthering this… utterly necessary soul work."
~ Georgia
It is the deepest, most transformational work I've accessed online. I feel it's having a profoundly positive impact on my life, growth and healing.
~ Stacey
[Sabrina's] work is pulverizing... I can't hide, I can't lie and I can't run away. Her energy captures you. It's life-changing."
~ Steve
Reveal it ... Embody it ... Embrace it ... Create it!
How Does ReWilding Your Relationships Work?
Journey for 4 weeks in a momentum building format
designed to create rapid yet sustainable shifts in your inner being that ripple out into your outer relationships

The program contains 8 core video learning modules
A comprehensive library of bonus trainings, advanced practices, and masterclasses all designed to help you maximize your relationship potential
Here's What You'll Get In Each Core Module
Each core module contains a 1-hour workshop incorporating ReWilding modalities that combine energetic transmissions, channeled teachings, embodiment practices... and more. This unique combination will allow you to access deep, often hidden levels of your being where you can create lasting transformation.
Multiple recommended practices are included to enhance your Experiential Workshop explorations. Ranging from embodiment practices, energy focus practices, channeled teachings, guided meditations and practical tools. These practices guide and empower you to deepen into personal themes in your own time and at your own pace.
Suggested practical tools and support for taking your inner shifts out into your physical world. Honoring both your inner world and your outer world as the key to lasting change. Learn practical ways to take action in all areas of your life (these include some of Sabrina's favorite tools!).




Complete Program Summary
- Eight high-quality experiential workshop videos (each one hour in length).
- Eight focus practices included with each workshop (each 10-15 minutes in length).
- MP3 audio recordings for each workshop and focus practice (in case you don't have great wifi).
- FREE bonus videos including:
- ReWilding Movement "Rescue Remedy" Practice (Value $97)
- Relationship Tips & Tools Masterclass (Value $97)
- Masculine & Feminine Energy Masterclass (Value $47)
- Additional supportive podcasts and videos that will further broaden your understanding of some of the more complex concepts in the program. These will also give you practices that you can implement in your daily life.
- Lifetime access to the full program (all video, audio, and supportive material) via your member's area so you can journey when you like and as often as you like.
- Invitation to join our ReWilding Facebook group for community and connection with like-minded people on the journey.

You've got options!
A ReWilding deep-dive journey like this typically costs $1000+ and if it was in-person it would be $3,900 USD. Many previous ReWilding participants have said that their experiences have been invaluable. All that said, I absolutely love this program and want it to be easily accessible so it's priced much lower than normal at $397 USD.
Optional Add-on
The perfect partner to ReWilding Your Relationships,
awaken the mysteries of sexual energy in ...
Sacred Sexuality Foundations
Learn about the 5 Elements of Sacred Sexuality in this experiential online workshop series designed to help you begin exploring and awakening the mysteries of sacred sexuality within your own body, taking you to heights of ecstasy and depths of connection you never thought possible!
Add to your RYR program today and receive 51% OFF this Sacred Sexuality (Comprehensive) program - that's savings of $100.
With this limited time offer of a further $100 OFF,
now really is your chance to ReWild your relationships and your life!
- ReWilding Your Relationships Program
Value $397 - 3 FREE Bonus Workshops (SAVE $241)
- ReWilding Your Relationships Program
Value $397 - 3 FREE Bonus Workshops (SAVE $241)
- Sacred Sexuality Comprehensive Program
Value $194 (51% OFF, SAVE $100) - LIMITED OFFER (SAVE $100)
If you don't absolutely LOVE the ReWilding Your Relationships Program - or don't feel that it meets your needs - you have 24 hours to request a full refund. That gives you an entire day to explore the first 2 modules and decide for yourself if this is a good fit. If it isn't, please contact support@sabrinalynn.com and we'll help you right away.
Have more questions? Please contact support@sabrinalynn.com
Is ReWilding Your Relationships Right For You?
✗ You want to stay in your comfortable box
✗ You want to stay safe in the known
✗ You're not willing to push the boundaries of what's possible for you
✗ You're not willing to venture inwards to find your hidden gems
✗ You're looking for a quick trip into higher states of consciousness
✗ You aren't interested in the secret formula that creates lasting change
✗ You don't want to rewire your energy system to align with your heart's desires
✗ You're scared to let go of what's not true for you to find what is true
✔ You want your relationships (or your life!) to change
✔ You want to explore your unique relationship blueprint and potential
✔ You want to reveal your true heart's desires and manifest them in the world
✔ You want more love, joy, ease and fulfilment in your life
✔ You're excited to journey inwards in a tried and tested method that creates long-lasting change
✔ You would love to access your inner wise self as a doorway to deep inner truth
✔ You want to invite in healthy, whole relationships
✔ You want to open to more of your potential – your potential to give/receive love, your potential to connect/relate
✔ You want to experience your natural organic potential of relating to anything!
What people have said about ReWilding Your Relationships
"ReWilding Your Relationships was the greatest awakening and healing of my marriage and divorce that I’ve ever experienced. I saw truths about it that blow my mind!! This is allowing me to move on in a new way, to communicate with honesty and directness, and to deepen the friendship with my ex-husband in a way I never expected.
I’ve also been able to connect with what my heart is longing for! I’ve realised that I desire non-traditional relationship and that I want to keep living alone… and that this is not coming from a wounded place but from truth. I’m so unbelievably relieved!! I’ve gone from feeling like I can never get what I want, to seeing that everything I want is actually already here at my fingertips. Thank you SO much!!!"
~ Karen
"I started the ReWilding Your Relationships program with a specific relationship in mind, but what actually transpired was SO MUCH MORE! Within a few days of tapping into my creative potential in module 6 , an opportunity arose beyond my wildest dreams - a bucket list item that I never thought would be possible came to life! It completely blew my mind how it all transpired with such magic, ease and grace.
This program has expanded my horizons in so many ways, I’m feeling more empowered and I’m enjoying how the difference in relating to myself is positively affecting how I relate to pretty much anything (family, work and travel are some of the areas that have changed dramatically for the better so far). I’m excited to see what else happens as the rewilding and rewiring integrates more fully. Thank you Sabrina for sharing your magic in this way! "
~ Amy
One final, personal note...
This program was inspired by two of my deepest and closest relationships.
The first is a friendship with a woman who I've been walking the awakening path with for over a decade. Her and I have spent hours upon hours studying and analyzing relationship evolution over the years. We've examined relationships teachings, the collective shift in relationships, our own personal relationships and also our ever evolving, ever deepening, ever growing relationship to each other. Never in our wildest dreams did we think we could have the depth of friendship we have!
The second is a relationship with a man who I've had the great honor of exploring the depths (and heights) of sacred sexuality and intimacy with. Sometimes he's more of a husband and partner to me, while other times more of a wild lover and still other times more of a soul friend living on the other side of the world. No matter what iteration of our ever-evolving relationship we're in, there is always love, honesty and dedication to each other's true, full, authentic self.
Both of these relationships inspire and excite me about the possibilities for all of us to step into greater and greater potentials within ourselves and within the co-creative spaces of relationship, which is exactly what ReWilding Your Relationships is all about.
It is my great honor to open the doors to this program and all that's woven into it... to you! May it grace you with ever deepening, ever evolving, ever supportive relationships and life experiences!
With all my heart,